Saturday, May 23, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Onesie: It's fun (for the whole family) again!

They're stylish and cozy...and the money you save by buying the whole set, you can use for your children's therapy later!

Monday, May 18, 2009

FACT: it's fun again.

And suddenly you really believe me that it is fun again, don't you? How did I do that? Well, I preceded the statement I wanted you to unquestioningly accept with the word "FACT". It gave me a sense of authority and confidence that made the words following it seem more true. Am I right?

You try it... go make up a fact and then convince someone of it! (Just don't try it on me... I'm horribly gullible, so it won't count).

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Hawaiian Shirt - It's Fun Again!

...and so is bed head. So it looks like someone's having tons of fun again!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The See-Through Body Suit: It's Fun Again!

I guess I could have just left this as "the bodysuit: it's fun again" (because it is!) but the see-through part just makes it that much more fun.

While Cher seems to be the one bringing it back, I now intend to be the one KEEPING it back! That's right... I think I've found my new Tuesday outfit. It's perfect for that monthly revenue meeting, or just a casual hallway chat!

Now what earrings to wear...?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Teriyaki Burger Shake: It's Fun Again!

It's really a lot better than it sounds. They take a cheeseburger (with bacon, if you want) and some teriyaki chicken, and blend them up with some creamy vanilla soft-serve ice cream. Sweet and savory... really great.

For those of you "fun again" readers in the greater Seattle area, you can pick yourself up one of these awesome dinner shakes on 80th & Greenwood. Go slurp one up for your next meal!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The bumper sticker: it's fun again!

Driving around is such an impersonal activity. Everyone is trapped in these metal boxes, moving past each other, not interacting. If only there were a way to express to people all of you quirky opinions, jokes, and motivational catch phrases while waiting at that stoplight.

Wait... there is! The bumper sticker! What it takes away from in your car's value it makes up for in other people's respect for your wittiness.

Anyone from the feminist hippy to the badass lowrider guy (his other ride is your daughter) can get their message heard with a little bumper flair! So stick it on there... if you like fun, that is.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

¡Hablo español: Es diversión otra vez!

Feliz Cinco de Mayo. ¡Viva la fiesta! Yo quiero la cerveza. Si, cerveza...

(Hablo poquito español. Lo siento.)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tasting like chicken: It's fun again!

In keeping with the initiative of having at least 10% of "fun again" things be booze related, here's a gem: chicken flavored vodka! Apparently this is what Polish people drink (bless their hearts). Now I can't read Polish, but I'm pretty sure the small text on the label says something like "made from the juice of baby chickens". Mmmm...

Interestingly enough, this thick yellow chicken vodka tastes more like maple syrup than McNuggets. And yes, it is FUN AGAIN!